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Terra Luna Classic Coinbase Listing!

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

It's time for the Terra Luna Classic community to make a giant push to get LUNC listed and burned on Coinbase! If you would like this, read through carefully!

So far Coinbase has not made any acknowledgement to the Terra Luna Classic community despite us getting them trending on Twitter with over 150,000 tweets, content creators creating countless videos, and even other large exchanges listing/implementing Luna Classic burns such as Binance and others.

To be completely honest, the Luna Classic community doesn't even need the support of Coinbase or other exchanges. If everyone in Terra Luna Classic transferred their funds on chain via the terra station and started staking today that would solve the majority of the current problems we face, however nobody can deny listings create a ton of excitement amongst community members and exchange listings will increase the accessibility of LUNC so more people may join our community. So far, there has yet to be a prominent United States based exchange that have listed Terra Luna Classic and contributed to the burn.

I say we give this one more honest effort, and if it doesn't work out that is ok. We can conserve our energy for yet another battle., FTX, Kucoin, and many other exchanges have yet to get a movement pushed at them to list LUNC. So worst case Coinbase doesn't respond and we move on!

Now, time for the fun stuff. How do we get Coinbase to list Terra Luna Classic and contribute to the burn? This is a great question. So far we can see Twitter, YouTube and Reddit was not enough. So the next step is to go ahead and get this trending on the largest search engine of them all... Google.

The way we will do this is simple. Engage with this blog by commenting, liking and sharing it across any social medias you are comfortable sharing it on. If we get enough outreach and engagements google search engines will start promoting this so everyone who searches crypto terms or Terra Luna Classic will see this as a top result!

Lets do this! Coinbase List Terra Luna Classic!

In the meantime please check out our merch store on this website! If you buy Terra Luna Classic merch we use proceeds to contribute to the LUNC burn!

Take care everyone!

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